Mold Testing and Your Health
Our mold testing service can provide piece of mind in a time of uncertainty. With the spread of COVID-19, clean air quality is important and we are here to help.
In recent years, the EPA has recommended homeowners take steps to improve their home’s air quality. While there are numerous substances commonly polluting the air in Melbourne, Florida homes, mold is one that should always be addressed promptly.
Why Is Indoor Air Quality an Issue?
In recent years, homeowners everywhere have taken steps to reduce their home heating and cooling expenses. That’s led to the sealing of homes to the point there is little air infiltration. While, on the surface, that’s a good thing, weatherizing a home presents new problems.
Older homes were drafty, which meant the air in those homes was continuously exchanged. Today, most homes don’t have HVAC systems that include introducing fresh air to the property. That means the air in homes is stale and heavily contaminated. The EPA now says the air quality in most homes is worse than the air outside, with everything from cooking to new carpeting contributing to the pollution levels. And, one of the worst culprits is mold.
Mold Basics
Health professionals point out that there are over 100,000 types of mold, with roughly a dozen types routinely finding their way into U.S. homes. While most types of mold are rather benign and don’t present a huge threat to health under normal conditions, they can all be hazardous when people are exposed to them for long periods of time.
Most people fear black mold, but the color of mold isn’t always the best indicator of toxicity. Molds of almost any color can be toxic, and not all black molds are toxic. That’s why mold experts always recommend having mold found in homes tested. Testing identifies the type of mold present. That knowledge helps the remediation team determine the best course of action to eliminate the mold.
How Does Mold Affect You at Home?
Not everyone will get sick from a single exposure to mold, but living in a home that’s contaminated is likely to result in long-lasting health effects. In addition, residents with pre-existing conditions are more at-risk than others. So, what are some effects that should trigger a mold inspection? Some examples include:
- Unexplained headaches.
- A constant sore throat
- Constant coughing or sneezing
- Watery eyes
Residents with a respiratory condition are at a high risk of developing complications when mold is present. If anyone in your home is compromised, it’s especially important to pay attention to any mold issues.
Several serious, chronic conditions can be caused or exacerbated by mold. Cancer patients, those with liver or kidney conditions, and pregnant women are good examples of people who are sensitive to molds. Given the humid conditions found in the Cummings area, mold is always around, and keeping the levels down is vitally important to every resident’s health.
What are the Benefits of Mold Inspections and Testing?
The humidity levels in the Melbourne FL and surrounding Brevard County areas are notoriously high, which is one of the major indicators that mold can become an issue. Even in homes where the HVAC system removes much of the humidity, areas like crawl spaces, laundry areas, and bathrooms will still provide ideal conditions for mold growth. If you suspect mold in your home, it is best to hire a professional to perform a mold inspection and mold test.
When mold isn’t visible, it can still present dangers to a home’s inhabitants. For example, mold levels commonly explode in hidden areas under sinks, behind wallpaper, and in walls or crawlspaces. The spores easily become airborne and spread throughout a home. A routine mold inspection will quickly determine if mold is present.
Even when the mold isn’t obvious, the inspector can generally isolate the sources and provide the homeowner with options for remediation. The property owners can then determine how to proceed. In most cases, the mold can be eliminated without greatly inconveniencing the homeowners or their families. However, if a severe mold infestation exists, more significant repairs may be necessary.
Can Homeowners Test Their Homes for Mold?
The short answer is yes. A property owner can obtain a DIY testing kit and do the testing themselves. However, they may not use the correct type of test or test in the wrong areas. Professionals can take air samples or test actual mold that’s visible. The mold inspectors also know the most likely places for mold issues to develop and will focus on those spots. Most homeowners don’t have the knowledge required to test for dangerous molds.
Getting Rid of Mold in a Home
Once the inspection results are back, the next step is to determine how to eliminate the issue. Remember, even when visible mold is eliminated, it doesn’t mean there isn’t concealed mold that’s dangerous. The mold inspector can generally determine where mold is likely to be and how it should be treated.
If mold is widespread, extraordinary steps may be required. In extreme cases, residents will need to leave the property temporarily to allow the remediation team to remove contaminated materials and replace them. Mold remediation experts always focus on leaving a client’s home in a safe condition and recommend the best mold removal options for each property.
Here again, taking a DIY approach for remediating mold is rarely a good idea. Yes, property owners can certainly remove small amounts of mold without creating problems, but that small amount may represent only a fraction of the mold that’s in the home. Working with a mold inspector allows the property owner to grasp the scale of a mold problem and then determine how to resolve the issue.
Next Steps
Once any existing mold is found and removed, preventing re-infestations is important. The remediation team recommend actions property owners can take to prevent future issues. For example, properly venting a crawlspace or basement will minimize the potential for a re-infestation. Fixing leaks under sinks is always a good idea, as removing the source of moisture is an absolute requirement for preventing new mold infestations. In some cases, mold will thrive behind wallpaper. Finding the best ways to decorate without wallpaper can help reduce the odds of mold in a home.
The first step is in eliminating mold is to recognize the problem exists. Next, the issue must be properly dealt with to reduce any negative health effects for residents. Routine mold inspections can prevent serious issues and reduce the overall cost of dealing with mold in a home. Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Call 321-586-3705 or use the form below. We are here to answer all your questions and provide a solution that is right for you and your family.
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